Bee Dance of War

Haiku : Il fuco vola via. La regina è schiava. (Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk)

var source;
var fx;
var n=10;


fx= Mix.fill(n, {
var maxdelaytime= rrand(0.01,0.03);
var half= maxdelaytime*0.5;
var quarter= maxdelaytime*0.25;, maxdelaytime,,10),0.01,0.02) )




DelayC simple delay line with cubic interpolation, maxdelaytime, delaytime, mul, add), maxdelaytime, delaytime, mul, add)

Simple delay line with cubic interpolation. See also DelayN which uses no interpolation, and DelayL which uses linear interpolation. Cubic interpolation is more computationally expensive than linear, but more accurate.

See also BufDelayC.

in - the input signal.
maxdelaytime - the maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize the delay buffer size.
delaytime - delay time in seconds.

EnvGen envelope generator

Inherits from: Object : AbstractFunction : UGen

Plays back break point envelopes. The envelopes are instances of the Env class. See the Env for more info. The arguments for levelScale, levelBias, and timeScale are polled when the EnvGen is triggered and remain constant for the duration of the envelope.

*ar(envelope, gate, levelScale, levelBias, timeScale, doneAction)
*kr(envelope, gate, levelScale, levelBias, timeScale, doneAction)

envelope - an instance of Env, or an Array of Controls. (See Control and the example below for how to use this.)
gate - this triggers the envelope and holds it open while > 0. If the Env is fixed-length (e.g. Env.linen, Env.perc), the gate argument is used as a simple trigger. If it is an sustaining envelope (e.g. Env.adsr, Env.asr), the envelope is held open until the gate becomes 0, at which point is released.
levelScale - scales the levels of the breakpoints.
levelBias - offsets the levels of the breakpoints.
timeScale - scales the durations of the segments.
doneAction - an integer representing an action to be executed when the env is finished playing. This can be used to free the enclosing synth, etc. See UGen-doneActions for more detail.

Env envelope

superclass: Object

An Env is a specification for a segmented envelope. Envs can be used both server-side, by an EnvGen within a SynthDef, and clientside, with methods such as at and asStream, below. An Env can have any number of segments which can stop at a particular value or loop several segments when sustaining. It can have several shapes for its segment

LFNoise1 ramp noise, mul, add), mul, add)

Generates linearly interpolated random values at a rate.
freq - approximate rate at which to generate random values.

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